Tuesday, August 14, 2007

60 yrs young...

Right....Independence day........the Tricolor’s been rediscovered...every second bloke on orkut has it as his profile pic.....the first word that pop's up in my idle brain.......'Hypocrites'....
Don’t get me wrong ... in fact, I like to think of myself as a patriot....why only the 2nd week of August, show the reverence 365 days a year......
There's no particular reason that I wrote out this blog.....just that I’m getting a little tired of seeing this sudden surge in patriotism ,which i can't help but think is more than a little put-on. After all aren't we the one's who on all day's, except the 15th of Aug of course, crib and whine about the lack of this and the lack of that.......that the roads aren’t good enough, that there's not enough electricity, that there's not enough water going around....complainant’s are good....it's damn good, a lot of it ought to be done or no one’s gonna get off their ass and work. It’s just that when we do whine all I would ask is that people remember how young we are.......at 60 yrs we're barely a teenager among nations......to be asked to compete with superpower's at this point of time is like asking a 13 yr old to clear the JEE. Not impossible....just improbable.

And so too to our credit as a country, despite our internal struggles, we're doing just that, competing with the big boys, and scaring them real good.....Still, understand that mistakes will be made ,that there will be hiccups, there will be stumble's and even falls ,that over the next 10 possibly even 20 years, the so-called superpower's will always be a step ahead of us....and the simple reason for that....their history as a nation measures in the centuries, while we're as I just said, 60.And then look at the countries that gained independence at around the same time as us....Africa as a whole is in shambles....and our north-western neighbor’s are going to end up facing a civil war if they aren't careful. No, I think we've done pretty well for ourselves.

Economics isn’t my subject and the business section of the newspaper is as good as Greek to me. But what I do understand and so too would most people I suspect, that we need to be patient......not complacent, never complacent, just patient. It is after all just a matter of time .A nation of one billion cannot be kept silent....will not be kept silent. We’re gonna be claiming our pedestal soon enough, that I could stake my life on.....but we do have to be careful that we don't end up tripping on our own shoelaces.

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